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Diseases in marine aquarium fish
(New Edition 2019)
NEW EDITION of a practical book on the most important diseases in marine aquarium fish with 92 useful photographs for easy determination. Many NEW treatments to help your sick fish; also for the reef aquarium! Written by an expert with experience! 80pages. The author explains in 2' video his book:
Sample pages can be found: just click

eBook: Diseases in marine aquarium fish
Ebook of the paperbook but with extra 50+ videos about diseased fish and microscopical observation! A great tool for better diagnosis! You can chose download for iPhone & Android via our APP "fish diseases".
Sample pages can be found: just click

Ziekten bij tropische zeevissen
(Nieuwe Uitgave -2019)
Een vernieuwde, mooie uitgebreide editie over de belangrijkste ziekten bij zeevissen en vele praktische tips voor behandeling; ook voor rifaquaria!
(80 pagina's & 92 foto's.). De auteur bespreekt dit boek in 2' video:
Sample pages can be found: just click

Maladies des poissons marins en aquarium
(nouvellle édition- 2019)
Une nouvelle édition plus élaborée sur les maladies les plus importantes des poissons marins avec des traitements facile à appliquer; aussi pour le récifal. (80 pages + 92 photos). L'auteur explique son oeuvre dans un vidéo de 2 minutes:
Marine Book in Polish language via JonaFish: contact:

Marine book in Russian language at EquiMarin = contact

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